The Bermuda Triangle is actually a big triangle in the ocean that corners three islands and is a place where many ships and plains crash and are never found. You are considered lucky if you make it out alive. The Bermuda Triangle is also found for unexplained mysteries.
Ok Make a square and then put a big triangle at the top of the square and in the middle at the bottom of hte square make a rectangle like this
make a bunch of squares and fold them on both sides to make a triangle. make sure at bottom is a little sticky pencil in duck tape for flower stem. start to stick triangles on stem/pencil.
you push the key that has a line on it (--------) and then you push the sideways triangle (>>>>>>>>) keep in mind that you have to push the shift key to make the sideway tirangle ... so it looks like this ----> ....
it sounds to be as if your power steering pump is out or low on fluid.
Make the triangle smaller... That is the only way
high or low sounds
The triangle is a percussion instrument and is in the shape of a triangle and is made from metal- this instrument is normally played with a beater to make diferent sounds which start and finish before the next sound is made. :)
It's been said that they do when they are hurt or threatened, but the sound is too high pitched to hear.
i was gonna ask that question
No, sounds like a macarena
Dud clutch?
The triangle produces a high-pitched ringing sound when struck. The pitch of the sound can vary depending on the size of the triangle and the material it's made of.
A squeal is a high-pitched abrasive sound. The word is used to describe the high-pitched sounds pigs and children make. It can also be used for mechanical sounds, such as the sound of rubber tires trying to get traction, or high-pitched engine sounds.
Bats make a lot of high frequency sounds when they eat.
growls, purrs, and even clicking chirping sounds sometimes even a high pitched squeling/ screaming
Pencil closures typically make low sounds due to the friction between the pencil's wood and graphite. The hardness of the graphite can also affect the pitch of the sound when the pencil is being closed.