Pantone 021c = RAL 2004
The conversion to Ral of Pantone 311 is the number RAL 6027. The Ral conversion for Process Blue is Ral 5015.
The RAL number of the Pantone color Reflex Blue C is thought to be 5002. There is no exact matching when converting RAL colors to Pantone colors, but this is the closest blue to it.
pantone 311c what is the ral number
The equivalent of pantone 485C in RAL is the number 3028. The color of pantone 485C is a shade of red.
Pantone 021c = RAL 2004
The conversion to Ral of Pantone 311 is the number RAL 6027. The Ral conversion for Process Blue is Ral 5015.
The RAL number of the Pantone color Reflex Blue C is thought to be 5002. There is no exact matching when converting RAL colors to Pantone colors, but this is the closest blue to it.
pantone 311c what is the ral number
Pantone 286 C corresponds to RAL 5023.
The equivalent of pantone 485C in RAL is the number 3028. The color of pantone 485C is a shade of red.
pantone 485 to RAL
what ral color is pantone 294
ral 3027
RAL 1016 is the closest color to PANTONE 382. You can not find the exact match but its closer.
The RAL reference for Pantone 142 is RAL 1003. Pantone 142 is a medium gold, while RAL 1003 is an orange-gold, which is the closest shade.
Pantone 300 to RAL