marissaish, macabre, macaronic, Macedonian, Machiavellian, macho, mad, maddening, magenta, magic, magical, magnetic, magnificent, main, majestic, major, makeshift, maladapted, maladaptive, maladjusted, maladroit, Malay, Malaysian, malcontent, male, malefic, malevolent, malleable, malicious, malignant, malodorous, mammalian, mammoth, manageable, manageably, mandatory, maniacal, manic, manifold, manipulative, manly, mannerly, mannish, many, marbled, marginal, marish, marked, markedly, married, martial, Martian, marvelous, masculine, massive, master, masterful, matchless, material, materialistic, maternal, mature, mawkish, maximum, meager, measly, mechanical, meddlesome, mediocre, Mediterranean, mean, meaningful, meaningless, mean-spirited, meaty, measured, meddling, medical, mediocre, meek, melancholy, melodic, melodious, mellifluous, mellow, melodic, melted, memorable, memorial, memorizable, menacing, mendacious, menial, mental, mentionable, merciful, mere, meretricious, meritorious, merry, mesmerizing, messianic, messy, methodical, meticulous, metric, mewing, Mexican, middle, middle-aged, middle-class, middling, midlife, miffed, mighty, mild, mile-wide, militant, military, milky, milled, mimicking, mindful, mindless, mingy, mini, miniature, minimalist, miniscule, minor, minty, minute, miraculous, mirky, mirrored, misanthropic, mischievous, miscreant, miserable, misguided, misleading, missing, misted, misty, misunderstood, moaning, mobile, mocking, modern, modest, modish, moist, moldy, momentary, momentous, monarchial, monastic, monatomic, Mongol, mongoloid, monobasic, monomorphic, monosyllabic, monotone, monotonic, monotonous, monstrous, Montanan, moody, mopey, moping, mopish, moral, morbid, more, moribund, Moorish, moory, Moroccan, moronic, morose, Moldavian, mossy, mostly, motherly, motley, mottled, mountainous, mournful, mousey, mousy, mouthy, movable, moving, mown, mucky, muddled, muddy, muffled, mulish, multilateral, multiparous, multicolored, multiple, multi-talented, multivalent, mummified, mundane, murderous, murky, muscular, mushy, musical, musing, musty, mute, muted, myopic, myriad, mysterious, mystical, mythical.
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Mesmerize, morbid, malicious, mermaid, malignant, magnetization, marquis, markka, meticulous, motor way. Just a couple cool ones :)
An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Some words that would describe a graduating high school senior that start with the letter M would be: managing, manly, meaty, messy, mischievous, mysterious, mustached.
· miserable
Moss Moon Moose Midge Mollusk