oil paint on canvas or gouache on handmade paper
Acrillic paint is a special paint that you can use to paint on clay, paper, and all sorts of various crafts. I love it!
Use good tape to tape down paper where you don't want paint. lol then go to town.
Yes. It's possible to use fabric paint on paper but that will take a lot of time. But there are a few good quality fabric paints available in the market which dries quickly on paper, you can use them on paper without much trouble.
It depends on what type of painting you are doing, or what kind of paint you are using. But, most likely, you are using acrylic paint, and when using acrylic paint, you should not use any paper at all. Instead, you need to use canvas to paint on because paper will start to shrivel up when you paint on it. So, just use canvas, which you can buy at a crafts store like Micheal's or JOANN for the low price of about $25-$35. Your welcome!!
You use paper mache to make a foot. Your welcome.
The best way to make such a structure out of paper would be to use paper mache. Make your base and then cover it with your paper mache mixture.
I know how to make paper - mache out of napkins.
Use wire coathangers, chickenwire, etc, to form the 'bones' on which to plaster the paper mache
You could use the balloon as a mold for something by making paper mache and using the shape of the balloon for that item. Let's say you want to make a bowl. I would blow up the balloon, shred paper, and mix the paper with wheat paste. I would then put the paper mache on half of the balloon and let it dry. After it is dry I would pop the balloon and what I have left is a bowl shape. Then, I would paint the bowl and decorate it. Now you have a bowl.
you use paper and glue
By applying 3 coats of urethane you can make your paper mache water resistant and quite durable. If you want it to be waterproof or close to it, you would have to use marine grade urethane which is expensive.
all you need is flower and water to make paper mache
yes. Well, you can make paper mache a number of ways, but one really simple way, is with flour and water.
Absolutely! Make sure you have a sturdy pair of scissors and determine first if you are cutting through anything like wire or some other framework that was used to keep the paper mache solid - you don't want to ruin the scissor blades by cutting metal mesh! Depending on the thickness of the paper mache, you may choose to use heavy duty hobby shears or even metal cutters for maximum ease and efficiency.
You can figure out how to produce and use paper mache on the Instructables website. They provide instructions and diagrams. There are also instructional videos on YouTube.