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They are the lines of latitude and longitude.

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Q: What lines act as a invisible grid over the earth?
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The lines of latitude and longitude form an imaginary over the planet?

coordinate grid

What determines the rectangular grid display area?

The grid is a rectangular pattern of dots or lines that extends over the area you specify as the grid limits. The grid displays dots only when the current visual style is set to 2D.

To transmit electricity over large distances power grid transmission lines are usually at a?

step up transmission

What is the definition of grid system?

a system of rectangular excavation or sampling units laid over a site by strings and stakes.

What does a grid on a map look like?

a grid on a map is like a chart where one side should be numbers and the other side should be letters. like for the question what is located at g4? go to g and over four, and go to four and down four.

How are the equator and the prime meridian alike?

The prime meridian and the equator are alike because they are both invisible lines that split the earth in half. The equator is horizontal (side to side) and the prime meridian is vertical (up and down). The equator divides the Northern and Southern Hemisphere and the Prime Meridian divides the Western and Eastern Hemisphere.

What power lines send electricity over a nationwide network?

High-voltage transmission lines, typically operating at voltages of 100,000 volts or more, are used to send electricity over a nationwide network. These lines are part of the grid system that helps to distribute electricity across long distances efficiently and reliably.

Which task does the snap feature enable you to perform?

The Snap feature I'm aware of: When you are dragging something to a location on the screen, you have a choice of having it land absolutely anywhere (in which case you may have a hard time lining up multiple objects) OR if you select the Snap feature, the screen gets an invisible grid, and when you land something on the screen it will move over to the nearest grid line. Your desktop icons are snapped - you can locate an icon near a location but it will snap over to the nearest invisible gridline. Sometimes you get to choose the spacing of the gridlines.

Why the voltage used in the home is different from that used to transmit electricity over the national grid?

It takes voltage to "push" the electricity over distance. So it requires much greater voltage to move it over miles of power lines than it does from room to room.

What are plates and fault lines?

Plates are large sections of the Earth's lithosphere that move over time, causing plate tectonics and the formation of continents and oceans. Fault lines are cracks in the Earth's crust where movement occurs, which can lead to earthquakes when stress is released along these lines. Plate movement along fault lines is a key driver of geological activity on Earth.

How do you get a one way grid on halo reach?

You get a single one way shield door and place it over a grid.

Why does a satellite travel over different parts of the earth?

Because most satellites are not 'geostationary'. A geostationary satellite orbits the Earth at the same speed that the Earth spins on its axis - such as the GPS grid, or TV relay satellites. Most satellites travel faster or slower than the Earth spins.