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Yes COMBEE does evolve into a VESPIQUEEN, but only females do.(Males do not evolve!)

It evolves at level 21

there no females

put a stariva and staravia together in the day care center in a couple of days there will be an egg what you can see by you pocect on page nine make sure you hve room for one Pokemon don't talk to the day care lady she says my husbaned is loking for you so go out side you will see an old man talk to him and he will give you an egg talk to him agan he will say Pokemon name and Pokemon name love, hate or play with other Pokemon make sure it is a man and womon Pokemon the womon Pokemon type is i put a wingull and stariva together man stariva and woman wingull i got a wingull egg

from everypower

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13y ago
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13y ago

it has to be a female and level 21 to evolve

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12y ago

Only woman Combees evolve into VespaQueen at level 21

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15y ago

well first of all only female combees evolve. they evolve at level 22

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14y ago

A male combee will not evolve. Only females do.

A female combee will evolve into Vespiquen at level 21.

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15y ago

Combee evolves at level 20 ONLY if its a female. Check out if you need help.

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14y ago

to evolve combee you have to give him an item or somthin...

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What level does combee evolve into vespiquen?

A female Combee will evolve into Vespiquen at level 21.

When does combee evolve into vespiquen?

A Combee will evolve at level 21 to a Vespiquen

What level does combee evolves?

Hello, A male Combee does not evolve. However, a female Combee will evolve into a Vespiquen at level 21.

How do you evolve combee?

combee evolvs at levle10 it cn only be a girl if not it wont evolve and only learns junk movesFemale Combee evolve into Vespiquen starting at level 21. Male Combee do not evolve.

What level does combee evolve on in pokemon pearl?

if you have a female combee it evolves at level 21but unfortunatley male combee dont evolve and they are loads more common! sorry

What level does combee evolve at?

Combee evolves at 21 IF and only IF it is female.

What level does a female combee evolve?

Female combees evolve at level 21.

What level does combee evolve in Poke'mon black and white?

Combee only evolves when it is female. Combee evolves into Vespiquen at level 21.

How does combee evolve?

Combee will evolve into Vespiqueen at level 21, but only if it is female. Male Combee do not evolve. There is a 1/8 chance of a wild Combee being female. This is really rare in HG and SS because Combee are a rare spawn period.

How do you evolve a combee?

at lv 21 but it has to be female. i cant believe i spent 3000 on a male combee in the daycare place.Remmember dont use a male combeeIt must be a Female Combee. Male combees don't evolve. It evolves at level 21.

What level does a male combee evolve?

never it has to be female

How do you evolve combee if it is past level 10 when you catch it?

combee evolves at level 21, but can only evolve if it is female.P.S if you have more questions, try bulbapedia or