Cardiac Muscle found in the hearts chambers right and left atrium and riht and left ventricle. This tissue perform the pumping of the heart.
Smooth muscle tissues provide stability and flexibility so that the large arteries can contract and expand.
Edothelial cells line the chambers and vessels. They stop blood components from moving to the muscle and help prevent clotting.
Heart valves are made up of Connective tissue
The heart itself is a muscle, however the heart all is made up of different muscles. The muscle knows as the MYOCARDIUM makes up the largest portion of the Heart Wall. The myocardium is made up of the cardiac muscle tissue, which is responsible for the pumping action.
Cardiac muscle makes up the bulk of the heart. That tissue is made of cardiomyocytes or muscle cells.
"I am not sure of names but i know that many cells make up the heart! Try to look on the Internet for your answer. Hope this helped a bit :)" You got to be kidding me... that wasn't helpful at all, but whatever. In the heart you can find: - Myocardiocytes - those are the cells performing the rhytmic contraction of the whole heart. - Endothelial cells - those are the supporting epithelial cells, insulating the chambers of the heart and the veins.
Cardiac muscle fibers.
Heart valves are made up of Connective tissue
The kind of tissue that makes up contracting organs is muscle tissue: cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle.
Fibrocartilage is the kind of tissue that makes up the intervertebral discs. The segments of the spine are connected with this tissue.
Cardiac muscle makes up the bulk of the heart tissue. It is responsible for the contraction and pumping of the heart to circulate blood throughout the body.
Cardiac tissue makes up the muscle of the heart, hope this helped
Muscle tissue.
Cardiac muscles
Mydocardium is the tissue that makes up the lining of the heart.
The epicardium is made up of connective tissue that contains blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. It serves to protect the heart and provide support for the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. Additionally, the epicardium is involved in reducing friction between the heart and surrounding structures during heart contractions.
Contractile tissue.
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