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The question is poorly phrased.

If you're looking for the name of a job, there is no degree specific to skyscraper building, and no one person 'makes' a building. The most immediate answer would be Architect, but could also be Civil or Building Engineer, Contractor, etc.

If you're just looking for an adjective for such a person, the answer might be entirely different. 'Megalomaniac' for example (reminiscent of the term 'megalithic' in architecture); 'Pharaonic' (same meaning, plus a certain connotation with 'tyranny' and 'god complex').

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Q: What is the word for'the person who makes huge buildings?
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What did the San Francisco earthquake do?

It caused a huge fire that burned down the wooden (non fire resistant) buildings. The fire caused most of the damage, not the earthquake.

Why did henkel invented the first glue stick?

because using a bottle makes a huge mess

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A seismic activity is an earthquake... An earthquake is when the tectonic plates (under ground) clash together, which causes an earthquake. Earthquakes can be very small or huge depending on where the country is. They can kill thousands of people, knock down buildings and create huge cracks in the ground. They are measured on a Richter scale. :)

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Primary colors can make all other secondary colors, on a huge quantity of tonalities, by adding white or black, and by varying the amounts of each primary color used to make complementary colors.

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Because earthquakes happen underground and volcanoes happen on land.… Not many huge population centers are built near known active volcanoes. Earthquake faults are more widespread. Most quake deaths occur when buildings collapse on the victims in highly populated areas.