The breeding (or rutting) season for buffalo generally begins in June. The gestation period for buffalo is about the same as for beef cattle, 287 days.
Approximately 343 days, although it can be highly variable (gestation periods up to 375 days have been recorded).
they are about 1 foot and 2 inch ^^^^ I left this answer alone - just to show how some people DON'T read the question properly !. After mating, the gestation period for Garter snakes is between two and three months. The female 'gives birth' to live young - as opposed to laying eggs.... Snakester1962 (Supervisor)
If two scans early in pregnancy say the same they are extremely accurate. Your pregnancy gestation was 14 weeks and 1 day as pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period (if you have a 28 day cycle) it was 12 weeks from conception.
no garter snakes come out in the hot days garter snakes not like to come out in a night
The gestation period for snakes can vary depending on the species, but typically ranges from 2 to 6 months. Some species may have longer gestation periods while others may have shorter ones. After the gestation period, female snakes give birth to live young or lay eggs.
gestation period of an axolotl?
Raccoons have a gestation period of 63-65 days.
What is a gestation period of a pincher
The gestation period of a rhinoceros is 16 months.
The gestation period of a baboon is 6 months.
The gestation period is five months.
what is the gestation period for french partridge?
The gestation period. You can also call it the pregnancy period as well.
what is the megalodon's gestation
The gestation period of the Springbok is 24 weeks.
The Okapis gestation period is about 458 days on average