before i start the name of the artist was van gogh, not van gosh. an original will cost about £154 because that's what starry night coasted (i think) or its might even cost more because it was an original.
Answer 2
Forget the ridiculous nonsense above!
The most expensive painting by van Gogh was sold in 1999 for 84.5 million dollars.
You would need to get it appraised.
It's in a private collection so not sure. But a version of sunflowers sold recently for $40M
How Should i know what his first painting was?!
Yes, every single painting he did. It is rare for one of van Gogh's paintings to be sold, but if one was up for auction the price would be in the millions of dollars.
In the van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
You would need to get it appraised.
The original was sold to the Beethoven Haus in Bonn where it now hangs.
The wonderful painting of the sunflowers by the brilliant Van Gogh is in an art gallery in Amsterdam, Holland,
Yes, as long as you use the word to describe another word in the sentence, original is an adjective. For example, in the sentence "This is an original painting by van Gogh." the word "original" is an adjective. If, however you use the word to describe the entire item as in "This is an original.", it is a noun.
Vincent van gogh was 28 years old when he started painting
It is an oil painting on canvas.
It's in a private collection so not sure. But a version of sunflowers sold recently for $40M
How Should i know what his first painting was?!
I have a painting signed by Van Stafford
Yes, every single painting he did. It is rare for one of van Gogh's paintings to be sold, but if one was up for auction the price would be in the millions of dollars.