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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Q: What is the name for uncharted 3?
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What will the name for uncharted 3 be?

Its called Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception.

Will there be a girl in Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception?

There will be a female villain in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Her name is Katherine Marlowe.

What is the name of the translation that is in Uncharted 3?

syrian script

What is the name of the translator that is in Uncharted 3?

syrian script

Which is better uncharted 3 or uncharted 2?

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How many chapters are there in uncharted 3?

There are a total of 22 chapters in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.

When will uncharted 3 be rated?

Uncharted 3 is rated T for Teen just like the previous Uncharted games.

When do uncharted 3 come out?

Uncharted 3 came out in late November of 2011.

What is the uncharted final boss?

uncharted 1. Boss: Navaro uncharted 2. Boss: Lazaravich uncharted 3. Boss: Talbot

What will Uncharted 3 be about?

uncharted 3 is going to be about atlantis and is coming out on 11/1/11

Do you get uncharted 3 on x-box 360?

Uncharted 3 is a PS3 titles game.