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citizen is allowed to do anything not restricted from law

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Civil liberties are rights that people have that are protected by law. They cannot, in theory, be infringed upon by governments.

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When was American Civil Liberties Union created?

People's Union for Civil Liberties was created in 1976.

How did the resolve the Constitution when it did not have Civil liberties?

Civil liberties were added, in the form of the Bill of Rights.

What Civil Liberties Are?

Civil Liberties are rights and freedoms that provide an individual with specific rights.

When was International Foundation for Civil Liberties created?

International Foundation for Civil Liberties was created in 2000.

What was the national civil liberties bureau renamed in 1920?

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

When was Japan Civil Liberties Union created?

Japan Civil Liberties Union was created in 1947.

When was Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute created?

Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute was created in 1965.

When was Canadian Civil Liberties Association created?

Canadian Civil Liberties Association was created in 1964.

When was European Civil Liberties Network created?

European Civil Liberties Network was created in 2005.

When was Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review created?

Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review was created in 1966.

What is the budget of American Civil Liberties Union?

The budget of American Civil Liberties Union is 106 dollars.