ya your right. in Ireland and Britain it is often put on by prison inmates but not allways, people put them on who have been in trouble with the police and have a bad attitude towards them.
"My Crazy White Life" Hispanic people often have the 3 dots for "Mi Vida Loca" and white supremacists have gotten into the 4 dots to mock them.
Scraps or Surenos get 3 dots for "Mi Vida Loca" but Nortenos get four dots each one to symbalize the murders the crime they commited of murdering rival gang members or scraps. Also, it stands for "Cant stop wont stop , somos pocos pero locos"
The IronMan Triathlon Tattoo looks like a red M with a dot hovering over it. That's why it's call an M-Dot.
3 explanations 1) part of a gang tattoo 2) a tattoo that was made with a single needle instead of many 3) you kill someone . Or maybe that you changed your mind about tattoos after a single start.
I just want to no, if I put the tattoo tubes in a staril pouch with a steril indicator dot, can I dut that in a steam autoclave? I just want to know if I put my steel tattoo tubes in a steril pouch with a steril indicator dot, can I put that into a steam autoclave. They are made out of medical thick paper and plastic?
Dash...four letter word Dot...three letter word
A coi fish is a symbol of masculinity and power. In Asian cultures coi fish were respected for their ability to swim up waterfalls. Colors have varying meanings as well. The Japanese covet all white coi with a red dot on the head, giving the coi the look of the rising sun on the Japanese flag. A coi tattoo displays strength and respect, and overall sweetness. Kowabanga!!
It means you lived through something you shouldn't of have,
It means you lived through something you shouldn't of have,
It means that someone was too chicken to go through with getting a tattoo, and the green means that it is older than dirt. Is it on the wrist bone or on the hand? It may be a Southie or a Dorchester Dot Tattoo.
left arm, right above the hand, almost on the wrist in the center, the dorchester dot is on the right arm
It means that you are terrible about coming up with a good idea for a tattoo.
Black dot tattoos on each finger are usually prison tattoos. They are common in the UK, and stands for the acronym ACAB.
That you drunkenly and foolishly tattooed a dot on yourself to be one of the "cool" kids with a party dot tattoo. It means nothing, and looks like a freckle or a mole.
I'm pretty sure it means traped in a jail cell... i know it means you were in jail be for though
The IronMan Triathlon Tattoo looks like a red M with a dot hovering over it. That's why it's call an M-Dot.
Yes, a dot of a tattoo on the ear of a ferret means that it is fixed
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