The sun, respiration, photosynthesis and food are all sources of energy for living things.
Many living things can be traced back to sunlight because plants uses sunlight for energy, animals eats that plant getting that energy, than a human eats that animal getting all the energy.
The biosphere contains all of Earth's living things.
Yes, arthropods are organisms, like all other living things.
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all living things use energy
A molecule needed by all living things to produce the energy needed for staying alive. It is used in the process of respiration to produce this energy in all living organisms.
All living things use chemical energy.
All living things use energy
Yes, all living things require energy to survive.
Yes all living things need energy, if they don't have they can't survive.
All living things use energy
All living things require a source of energy.
glucose is the source of energy for all living things.