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A wart is caused by a virus, but a pile is a ruptured blood vessel.

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Q: What is the different between warts and piles?
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Related questions

Is hpv the cause of common warts and plantar warts?

There are around 120 different serovars of HPV and some do cause common warts and plantar warts. These are not sexually transmitted.

Where could one find pictures of different kinds of warts?

One can find pictures of different kinds of warts by visiting a local public library. Bookstores would also have books available for purchase with pictures of different kinds of warts.

What causes the many different types of warts including filiform warts that normally occur on the face and neck?

Warts are caused by a Virus, the Human Papillomavirus.

What are the classes of pile foundations?

Timber piles, Concrete piles, steel piles, composite piles,Driven cast in situ piles, Bored cast in situ piles, Driven precast piles, Bored precast piles,Prestressed concrete piles, under reamed Piles

What is the difference between fistula and piles?

A fistula is an abnormal connection of two body aprts. Piles, or hemorrhoids, are varicose veins in the anal area.

What animal builds den with piles of sticks?

The animal that builds a den with piles of sticks is called a fox. There are approximately 37 different species of fox.

What animals give humans warts?

For many years, there has been a common saying that frogs give one warts. Warts can be acquired in many different ways, however, and handling a frog is by no means a guarantee that the person will get the condition.

What are the white pimples between your toes?

they could be planter's warts. ewwww. they could be planter's warts. ewwww.

What types of warts are there?

Plantars warts seed warts smart warts and many more

Which of these is caused by a virus flu warts mumps?

The flu, warts and mumps are all caused by different viruses. The flu is caused by any of the influenza viruses, warts are caused by certain strains of human papillomavirus, and mumps are caused by the mumps virus.

Why do pickles have warts?

pickles have warts because cucumbers have warts.

What are some physical landforms in the region of Mountains ans basins?

Piles of poo Piles of poo Piles of poo Piles of poo