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Q: What is the difference between zircon melting point of 2500 and mercury melting point of negative 39?
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Why is the melting point of mercury a negative number?

The melting point of mercury is a negative number because it is below zero degrees Celsius, which is the freezing point of water. Mercury is a metal that remains in liquid form at typical room temperatures due to its unique atomic structure, resulting in a negative melting point.

Give four difference between mercury and alcohol?

Different boiling points 2 Different melting points Mercury is a liquid metal , and alcohol(ethanol) is an organic compound. Mercury is poisonous and alcohol (ethanol) is not poisonous to human beings.

What are some properties of mercury?

Mercury has a melting point of -39.9

Does the element Mercury have a melting point?

The melting point of mercury is: 38,83 0C.

What is the difference between the 1950 Mercury club coupe and the Mercury coupe?

A rear seat

How can you find the melting point of mercury?

The melting point of mercury is -37.89 degrees Celsius (-35.202 Fahrenheit). You can measure this using a temperature-controlled device, such as a thermometer or a melting point apparatus. Just heat the mercury slowly until it reaches its melting point and remains in liquid form.

What is the melting point of Mercury the element?

Mercury's melting point is 234.32 K or -38.83 C or -37.89 F. Mercury, Hg has a melting point of around -38.83oC. With its boiling point at 356.13oC it has a very wide liquid range. Along with Bromine, it is the only element liquid at room temperatures, but Gallium comes close with an M.P. of 29.29.76oC.

What is Mercury's melting point in Celsius?

Mercury's melting point is -38.83 degrees Celsius.

What is the size difference between Mercury and Earth?

The size of your mommas stomach

What is the difference between Mercury barometer and a aneroid barometer?

their spelling is different.

What is the difference between a Mercury 90 horsepower motor and a Mercury 115 horsepower motor?

25 horse power.

What metal boils at 1 degree after melting?

Mercury is the metal that has the lowest boiling point, which is around 2 degrees Celsius after melting.