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what is the definition for the word american art?

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Q: What is the definition for American art?
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Why can't art be defined?

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Accounting as an art refers to the subjective and creative aspects involved in interpreting and presenting financial information. It involves the application of principles and techniques to record, analyze, and report financial transactions in a way that is meaningful and useful to stakeholders. The art of accounting requires judgement, interpretation, and the use of professional expertise to ensure accurate and reliable financial reporting.

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John F. Scott has written: 'Mexican, Central, and South American art' -- subject(s): Art, Central American, Art, Mexican, Art, South American, Central American Art, Mexican Art, South American Art

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Art that is created with the goal of lifelike representation.

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What is the basic definition of realistic art'?

Art that is created with the goal of lifelike representation

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The art of employment of an historiographer.

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Is there is a single definition for art?

No, there are multiple definitions.

When was American Art Directory created?

American Art Directory was created in 1898.