The latitude and longitude for the capital of the United States of America is: N38*53', W77*02'
37°45′18.24″N 14°59′42.9″E
i belive it is the Prime Merideon!
15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165 Westlongitude.15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165 Eastlongitude.180 degrees east/west
"AT" those coordinates? Nothing; that's in the Caribbean Sea. But about 45 miles south of there is the eastern end of the Panama Canal, which is probably what you're looking for.
the continent that includes the coordinated of 45n latitude and 115e longitude is Asia
Those coordinates are in the woods near Kinzua, OR.
Latitude: 33°28′5″NLongitude: 91°11′45″EThe Latitude and Longitude given are for the Headwaters (start) of the Yangtze River.
The country at 45 degrees North latitude and 120 degrees West longitude is the United States. This coordinate points to an area located in the state of Oregon in the western part of the country.
Latitude: N 45° 45' 50.5548", Longitude: E 4° 50' 8.3724"
That point is in Oregon, roughly 150 miles east of Salem.
That point is in Oregon, roughly 150 miles east of Salem.
45 N 115 E is China (near Mongolia)
where is 120 degree longitude
Latitude: 45°4′N Longitude: 7°42′E
Latitude: 45°26′N Longitude: 12°19′E