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== == It will be one of the Motrin (ibuprofen), Aleve, and the like......Tylenol doesn't have anti-inflammatory properties.

You need to read label and take as directed.There has been some warnings about not to take this class of medicine if you have Heart disease,or have had heart attacks...also if you have an history of ulcers you should avoid this class of medicine.

Taking too much Tylenol can be bad for your liver if you have doubts check with your provider.

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15y ago
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13y ago

There have over the years been many suggestions put forward to relieve the pain of artritis. there are however over a hundred different forms of the disease ranging from those caused wear and tear joint damage to inflammation brought on by the immune system to inflammation as a result of bacterial or viral infections. Taking the history of artritis into acount and the number of different treatments that have been used to treat pain I would say it is safe to assume that no effective and universal natural treatment has been developed to date, which explains why with modern medicine (granted some of them have some can have nasty side effecta) The quality of life for Arthritis sufferers has increased a thousand fold.

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13y ago

Home remedies for arthritis in the knee would vary with each individual, there are OTC products available such as all the "flex" products, doses of glucosamine can help, weight is a big factor in these circumstances,your shoes can affect your knees. Home exercises as recommended by your doctor will help.

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17y ago

Unfortunately there is no cure for arthritis. There are holistic remedies that may help. Go to a Homeopathic doctor, but make sure you let your doctor know first before you take anything given to you by the Homeopathic doctor. I have arthritis in both knees, but I go to the gym and do resistant training and I walk a lot. If you don't use it you lose it.

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11y ago

There is no cure for Arthritis.

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12y ago

Some people think Indian Noni juice might help.

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There is no remedy for RA however there are treatments in the form of anti inflammatorys and disease modifying drugs that help keep the condition under control

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Q: What is the best over-the-counter medication for osteoarthritis in the knees?
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If you have hypertension what is the best pain medication for arthritis?

tylenol....both aspirin and ibuprofen should be used with caution in individuals with hypertension.

Is osteoarthritis hereditary?

Arthritis is somewhat hereditary, some forms more than others. Doctor's can perform a variety of tests to help determine whether a person is at risk for developing arthritis. It really isn't preventable.

When is the use of the medication metformin with dye contrast cat scan to be discontinued and how long?

This is a new idea in some areas so it is best to talk to your doctor as to what they recommend. Basicaly.. there is a small chance that the metformin (and other diabetic medications) could crystalize in the kidneys causing damage. The policy where I work recommends not taking the medication for 48 hours after you get the dye injection. We dont have a hold for the medication before getting the dye. If you are diabetic, ask your doctor if the medication you take has any restrictions when getting any kind of dye for a test. You may also ask the technologist doing your test, before the injection, what their policy is.

Can blood thinning medication damage the heart muscle if used for long periods of time?

Blood thinners can be bad to the heart muscles if use to long or to much. I would talk to the doctor and see what is best.

How do you know if you have osteoarthritis of the knees?

You will need to eliminate other forms of arthritisAnd have a look at the joints concerned with x ray and or other imaging means. There are more then a hundred different forms of arthritis and making sure that you have it right is important.

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How managing the discomfort of knee osteoarthritis?

You can wrap your knee for sports, due to injury, and for weightlifting. Best knee support bandage for any sports person. And i found Agile Now Bandage, i think this is the one of the best product in knee bandage. Let me know your opinion?

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Treatments for osteoarthritis range from preventative measures such as walking to joint replacement surgery. Nutritional aids include foods rich in vitamin C.anti-inflammatory medications. Acupuncture. joint immobilization.

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It will depend on where you live, as to where you can get the best local treatment. Your best bet is to visit a hospital, to ask for referrals of doctors.

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