Because he is blinded by love for Juliet...
He is: Foolish and ignorant
He is also very protective over how he feels for Juliet
Actually, I think that he is not really in love with Juliet at all. If he were, would he conduct his wooing entirely with her father, without talking to her at all? Would he be as insensitive as he is when he meets her at Friar Lawrence's cell? I would call him conventional and foolish.
The word French *is* an adjective. It is the proper adjective for the proper noun France. It can also be a noun for the French language, or the French people as a group.
romeo and Paris / rosaline and Juliet
After Romeo injured Paris. Paris told him "Lay me in the tomb with Juliet". Romeo agrees and put him in the tomb with Juliet.
Romeo isn't destined to marry anyone. He does fall in love with Juliet. Juliet is the one that is destined to marry Paris.
Paris goes to pay his last respects to Juliet , when Romeo shows up . Then Paris and Romeo gets into a fight and kills Paris. As Paris's last word he says" Oh, I am slain, if thou be merciful, open the tomb, lay me with Juliet." So Romeo lays him (Paris) next to his wife Juliet (Romeo's Wife).
ID 1290160492 is incorrect in why did Paris die in Romeo and Juliet because using information I discovered that Paris indeed died in Romeo and Juliet
Romeo wanted to marry Juliet, while Paris wanted to marry Juliet as well in the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.
romeo and Paris / rosaline and Juliet
Paris thinks that Romeo is there to vandalize or dishonor Juliet's body.
After Romeo injured Paris. Paris told him "Lay me in the tomb with Juliet". Romeo agrees and put him in the tomb with Juliet.
In the play Romeo and Juliet, Paris is killed by Romeo in a duel when he tries to prevent Romeo from entering Juliet's tomb. Paris dies defending his love for Juliet.
Romeo isn't destined to marry anyone. He does fall in love with Juliet. Juliet is the one that is destined to marry Paris.
Paris goes to pay his last respects to Juliet , when Romeo shows up . Then Paris and Romeo gets into a fight and kills Paris. As Paris's last word he says" Oh, I am slain, if thou be merciful, open the tomb, lay me with Juliet." So Romeo lays him (Paris) next to his wife Juliet (Romeo's Wife).
ID 1290160492 is incorrect in why did Paris die in Romeo and Juliet because using information I discovered that Paris indeed died in Romeo and Juliet
SPOILERS Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Paris, and Mercutio.
Romeo and Paris.
In Romeo & juliet, on thrusday, Paris plans on being marred to Juliet.
The man that Juliet's parents engaged Juliet to, Count Paris. He is there to grieve Juliet but Romeo soon kills Paris and then poisons himself.