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Cheat Codes for Super Mario 64 DS (ASMEN0J20)
35 Codes Found

  1. Infinite Lives
    020973ec 00000063
  2. Infinite Health
    1208fce4 00000880
    1210679c 00000008
  3. Infinite Coins
    02097454 00000064
  4. Press L+R+SELECT For 7 Red Coins
    94000130 000000fb
    12097408 00000007
    d0000000 00000000
    92097408 00000008
    12097608 0000ff80
    d0000000 00000000
  5. Press B To Moon Jump
    92097598 fffd0002
    0217abe0 00019b23
    d0000000 00000000
    92097598 fffd0002
    021697c0 00019b23
    d0000000 00000000
    Do not use in cut-scenes or when going through doors.
  6. Press Y To Slow Falls
    92097598 f7ff0800
    0217abe0 ffffc000
    d0000000 00000000
    92097598 f7ff0800
    021697c0 ffffc000
    d0000000 00000000
    Do not use in cut-scenes or when going through doors.
  7. Press L+Up to Sprint
    94000130 fdbf0000
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    00000098 0003ffff
    d2000000 00000000
  8. Invincible
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    200006a0 0000001c
    d2000000 00000000
  9. All Castle Doors Unlocked
    12094ba4 0000ffff
    22094ba6 000000ff
    (No Stars or Keys Needed)
  10. Mario, Luigi & Wario Never Lose Cap
    22094ba7 00000080
  11. All 120 Course Stars
    02094bb4 ffffffff
    02094bb8 ffffffff
    02094bbc ffffffff
    12094bc0 0000ffff
    22094bc2 000000ff
  12. 100 Coins Total for Every Course
    12094bd2 00006464
    02094bd4 64646464
    02094bd8 64646464
    02094bdc 64646464
    22094be0 00000064
  13. All Mini Games in Rec Room
    02094be8 ffffffff
  14. CHARACTER MODIFIER (Walk Through a Door/Load):
    You must walk through a door / enter or exit a level to change the character.
  15. Hold L+R+UP to Play as Yoshi
    94000130 000000bf
    22094be1 00000003
    d0000000 00000000
  16. Hold L+R+LEFT to Play as Wario
    94000130 000000df
    22094be1 00000002
    d0000000 00000000
  17. Hold L+R+RIGHT to Play as Luigi
    94000130 000000ef
    22094be1 00000001
    d0000000 00000000
  18. Hold L+R+DOWN to Play as Mario
    94000130 0000007f
    22094be1 00000000
    d0000000 00000000
  20. Infinite Fire Flower Power Up Time
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    100006be 0000ffff
    d2000000 00000000
  21. Infinite Feather Power Time
    62093568 00000000
    b2093568 00000000
    1000065e 0000ffff
    d2000000 00000000
  22. Yoshi: Press L for Flower Power (Fire)
    9209519a 00000000
    94000130 000001ff
    92094be0 00ff0300
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    100006be 000003ff
    200006f4 00000001
    20000713 00000001
    20000714 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  23. Wario: Press L for Flower Power (Metal)
    9209519a 00000000
    94000130 000001ff
    92094be0 00ff0200
    62093568 00000000
    b2093568 00000000
    1000065e 000003ff
    200006a9 00000001
    200006aa 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  24. Luigi: Press L for Flower Power (Invisibility)
    9209519a 00000000
    94000130 000001ff
    92094be0 00ff0100
    62093568 00000000
    b2093568 00000000
    1000065e 000003ff
    200006ab 00000001
    200006ac 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  25. Mario: Press L for Feather Power (Wings)
    9209519a 00000000
    94000130 000001ff
    92094be0 00ff0000
    62093568 00000000
    b2093568 00000000
    1000065e 000003ff
    200006af 00000001
    200006b0 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  26. Any Character: Press START+R for Mario Power Up (Wings)
    9209519a 00000000
    94000130 000002f7
    62093568 00000000
    b2093568 00000000
    1000065e 000003ff
    200006af 00000001
    200006b0 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  27. Any Character: Press START+L for Wario Power Up (Metal)
    9209519a 00000000
    94000130 000001f7
    62093568 00000000
    b2093568 00000000
    1000065e 000003ff
    200006a9 00000001
    200006aa 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  29. 2D Character
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    10000088 00000100
    d2000000 00000000
  30. Big character
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    10000080 00003000
    10000084 00003000
    10000088 00003000
    d2000000 00000000
  31. Giant character
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    10000080 00004000
    10000084 00004000
    10000088 00004000
    d2000000 00000000
  32. Mini Character
    62093550 00000000
    b2093550 00000000
    10000080 00000800
    10000084 00000800
    10000088 00000800
    d2000000 00000000
  34. Test Map 1 (Press Select while loading a save)
    94000130 fffb0000
    02097360 00000029
    d2000000 00000000
    Code by Parasyte.
  35. Test Map 2 (Press Select while loading a save)
    94000130 fffb0000
    02097360 00000000
    d2000000 00000000
    Code by Parasyte
  36. (ASMEN1J12 / 1J22)
    1. Infinite Lives
      02098930 00000063
    2. Infinite Health
      12090a00 00000880
      121082a4 00000008
    3. Infinite Coins
      02098998 00000064
    4. Press L+R+SELECT For 7 Red Coins
      94000130 000000fb
      1209894c 00000007
      d0000000 00000000
      9209894c 00000008
      12098b4c 0000ff80
      d0000000 00000000
    5. Press B To Moon Jump
      92096b5c fffd0002
      0217f760 00019b23
      d0000000 00000000
      92096b5c fffd0002
      0216e380 00019b23
      d0000000 00000000
      Do not use in cut-scenes or when going through doors.
    6. Press Y To Slow Falls
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0217f760 ffffc000
      d0000000 00000000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0216e380 ffffc000
      d0000000 00000000
      Do not use in cut-scenes or when going through doors.
    7. All 120 Course Stars
      020960f4 ffffffff
      020960f8 ffffffff
      020960fc ffffffff
      12096100 0000ffff
      22096102 000000ff
    8. 100 Coins Total for Every Course
      12096112 00006464
      02096114 64646464
      02096118 64646464
      0209611c 64646464
      22096120 00000064
    9. All Castle Doors Unlocked
      120960e4 0000ffff
      220960e6 000000ff
    10. All Mini Games in Rec Room
      02096128 ffffffff
    11. Mario, Luigi & Wario Never Lose Cap
      220960e7 00000080
    12. Test Map 1 (Hold Select While Loading a Save)
      94000130 fffb0000
      020988a4 00000029
      d2000000 00000000
      Code by Parasyte.
    13. Test Map 2 (Hold Select While Loading a Save)
      94000130 fffb0000
      020988a4 00000000
      d2000000 00000000
      Code by Parasyte.
    14. CHARACTER MODIFIER (Walk Through a Door):
    15. Hold L+R+UP to Play as Yoshi
      94000130 000000bf
      22096121 00000003
      d0000000 00000000
    16. Hold L+R+LEFT to Play as Wario
      94000130 000000df
      22096121 00000002
      d0000000 00000000
    17. Hold L+R+RIGHT to Play as Luigi
      94000130 000000ef
      22096121 00000001
      d0000000 00000000
    18. Hold L+R+DOWN to Play as Mario
      94000130 0000007f
      22096121 00000000
      d0000000 00000000
    20. Infinite Fire Flower Power Up Time
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      100006be 0000ffff
      d2000000 00000000
    21. Infinite Feather Power Up Time
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      1000065e 0000ffff
      d2000000 00000000
    22. Yoshi: Press L for Flower Power (Fire)
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000300
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      100006be 000003ff
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000300
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      200006f4 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000300
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      20000713 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000300
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      20000714 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
    23. Wario: Press L for Flower Power (Metal)
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000200
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      1000065e 000003ff
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000200
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006a9 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000200
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006aa 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
    24. Luigi: Press L for Flower Power (Invisibility)
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000100
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      1000065e 000003ff
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000100
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006ab 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000100
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006ac 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
    25. Mario: Press L for Feather Power (Wings)
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000000
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      1000065e 000003ff
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000000
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006af 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001ff
      92096120 00000000
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006b0 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
    26. Any Character: Press START+R for Mario Power Up (Wings)
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000002f7
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      1000065e 000003ff
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000002f7
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006af 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000002f7
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006b0 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
    27. Any Character: Press START+L for Wario Power Up (Metal)
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001f7
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      1000065e 000003ff
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001f7
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006a9 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
      920966da 00000000
      94000130 000001f7
      62094aa8 00000000
      b2094aa8 00000000
      200006aa 00000001
      d2000000 00000000
    29. 2D Character
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000088 00000100
      d2000000 00000000
    30. Mini Character
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00000800
      10000084 00000800
      10000088 00000800
      d2000000 00000000
    31. Stretched Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00001000
      10000084 00002000
      10000088 00001000
      d2000000 00000000
    32. Pancake Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00001000
      10000084 00000100
      10000088 00001000
      d2000000 00000000
    33. Paper Mario Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00000100
      10000084 00001000
      10000088 00001000
      d2000000 00000000
    34. Micro Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00000200
      10000084 00000200
      10000088 00000200
      d2000000 00000000
    35. Mini Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00000500
      10000084 00000500
      10000088 00000500
      d2000000 00000000
    36. Small Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00000a00
      10000084 00000a00
      10000088 00000a00
      d2000000 00000000
    37. Big Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00002000
      10000084 00002000
      10000088 00002000
      d2000000 00000000
    38. Bigger Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00003000
      10000084 00003000
      10000088 00003000
      d2000000 00000000
    39. Mega Mode
      62094a90 00000000
      b2094a90 00000000
      10000080 00004000
      10000084 00004000
      10000088 00004000
      d2000000 00000000
    40. Super Mega Mode
      0217f738 00006000
      0217f73c 00006000
      0217f740 00006000
      0217f738 00010000
      0217f73c 00010000
      0217f740 00010000
      HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
    43. Run Fast
      4216e370 0001df00
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0216e370 00030000
      d2000000 00000000
      4217f750 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0217f750 00030000
      d2000000 00000000
      HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
    44. Run Really Fast
      4216e370 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0216e370 00080000
      d2000000 00000000
      4217f750 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0217f750 00080000
      d2000000 00000000
      HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
    45. Run Super Fast
      4216e370 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0216e370 000c0000
      d2000000 00000000
      4217f750 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0217f750 000c0000
      d2000000 00000000
      HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
    46. Run at Bullet Speed
      4216e370 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0216e370 00100000
      d2000000 00000000
      4217f750 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0217f750 00100000
      d2000000 00000000
      HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
    47. WARNING: Run at Warp Speed
      4216e370 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0216e370 00200000
      d2000000 00000000
      4217f750 0001d000
      92096b5c f7ff0800
      0217f750 00200000
      d2000000 00000000
      HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
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15y ago

If you have the disc for Action Replay Code Manager, Go to Codejunkies US games. There Sould Be a Mario Kart Game there with tons of codes for it. If not there are some codes here: shy guy-023cdd40 0000000c 300 cc Engine : 6217ad18 00000000

b217ad18 00000000

000000d4 00002000

000000d8 00002000

000000dc 00002000

d2000000 00000000

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16y ago

Press Select for Emergency Brakes OR 600cc engine! [North America] This code allows you to stop immediately after pressing select in a race. Be careful, though, because once you stop, you cannot go again! You can hold A+B to swivel as you are stopped. 94000130 FFFB0000 6217ACF8 00000000 B217ACF8 00000000

B00002CC 00005000

00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 ** <-- (**Remove this row to make your engine go at 600cc speed!)

D2000000 00000000

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16y ago

Player:Max Stars:

5204bef4 ea00e4dd

02085284 e1c041b2

d2000000 00000000

Player:Max Coins:

5204bef4 ea00e4dd

02085280 e1c040be

d2000000 00000000

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13y ago

action replay doesn't work for the wii...i think you mean't Mario kart DS.

Dude above me STFU and yes there are action replays for the wii you noob(SD Card Hello) Here's what i recommend doing get a wii power save because the wii currently doesn't have put in code's yet but there are power save's with code's!

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Wiki User

15y ago

Here are some:

Press SELECT for Triple Red Shells:

94000130 000003fb

6217bc2c 00000000

b217bc2c 00000000

2000004c 0000000b

20000054 00000001

d2000000 00000000

Press L for Spiny Shell:

923d629a 00000200

6217bc2c 00000000

b217bc2c 00000000

2000004c 00000007

20000054 00000001

d2000000 00000000

Play on Untextured Tracks:

020484a0 d0002400

020484a4 e0052321

Crazy Sounds:

234cd2d2 00000fff

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14y ago

This website has a few 4 min.Videos of them I know it doesn't look like the right name but just trust me.

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14y ago

You have to have an action replay ds they cost like $20 at wal mart or k mart your preference

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13y ago

There IS NOT ONE theres alot of them.

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Q: What is the action replay code for Mario kart ds game?
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How do you put in cheats for Pokemon soul silver?

You start the AR go to soulsilver, and press add new code, and then enter code name and the actual code.You need to get an action replay or an action replay dsi.You then need to hope that the game is include in the actio replay or you will need yo use the action replay manager, which means installing the manager onto your computer. My brother had to install the drivers for the dsi to even connect by finding a back door. I don't know how he did that.If your game is included, you will not need to remember the game's ID number, but if you have to encode it into the game, you will need to remember it in order to input it. When it says Add Codeinput the naame of the code and then the code itself, You may even be able to use the action replay code manager and copy and paste, which helps to prevent Bad Eggs, unless the code was already messed up. Sometime the code was not just right so I had to add a zero at the end of a code in order to get it working.

Can you cheat in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver without an action replay or hacking?

If you mean the Action Replay card itself, then it depends, if you have a DS action replay, you may be able to take it out, the DSi action replay will not work. If you do want to do this on your DS action replay put the game you want to cheat on in the action replay, then turn on action replay and once you get to the page full of that specific game's cheats, close your DS, take out the action replay card, take out the game your using, and put it in the DS, when you open it up, it should still let you scroll through cheats, add cheats, etc. (Again, this doesn't work on the DSi action replay, and this may or may not work, they might've fixed the card, I got mine a while back.)

How do you moon jump Mario Kart Wii?

You have to get action replay first. Then, put action replay in the slot with Mario kart DS in action replay. Next, turn the DS on and hit codes. The screen should say that Mario kart DS is inserted. Then hit add new code. Look up the moon jump code. Type in moon jump for the name. Then, type in the correct code and hit save. Lastly, hit boot game with codes. You're done! press B to fly!

Is action replay for kingdom hearts 2 playable on the ps3?

Why don't ya find out? I mean I'm sure you got a ps3 and the action replay and the game. try it out!

What is the ds id code for Mario Kart?

Not sure exactly what you mean here, but it might be that you want to find you friend code on Mario Kart Wii. Here's how: From the main menu, choose Nintendo WFC. Then choose Friends. Then it will display your user name and me at the bottom of the screen along with a 12 digit number separated by two dashes. This is your friend code. Hope that helps.

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Is there an action replay code to look like waluigi in super Mario 64 ds?

There is no known action replay code to look like waluigi in super Mario 64 ds. Refer to the game's instruction manual for further information.

How do you put a game in an action replay?

You put in action replay then put your game in then enter a code.

Is the game code on the action replay box or on the game?

rigt when you get into action replay its at the botom left

When I'm trying to add a game on your action replay it asks for a game code what are they?

Not sure about yours, but in my action replay i put the game in the action replay and pushed add game. then the code for the game I had in there was already there. Hope this helped! rosie6000

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What is the action replay code to get dialga on Pokemon platinum?

theres no action replay code for dilga in any Pokemon game

Is there an action replay code for resetting your Pokemon diamond game?

yes there is a code to action replay i don't know, though

What if your game code is different from your action replay code?

it will say unknown game.

What is the action replay code for Pokemon diamond to be able to trade eggs to another game?

there is no action replay code to trade eggs.

What is an action replay code?

an action replay code is a code that you use with an action replay to make the game think weird and lets you do near/is impossible things. For some versions of the action replays, you cant put new codes in.

What is an action code?

a action code is a cheat code you inter into a action replay to unlock or give you items or advantiges in the game.

Where can you enter a code on Nintendogs dalmatian?

There is no place to enter a code. The cheat code things are for Action Replay. Action Replay is not recommended because it glitches the game.