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Excerpted from (2009) :

Visual Targeting is the business, art and science of adjusting visual images, designs, advertisements, products, gifts, presentations, etc. to accurately fulfill the desires of their intended audiences. This is usually done for the purpose of increasing in the audience's mind, positive emotions, favorable opinions, and the feeling of desire in relationship to what they are presented with.

Every Person uses Visual Targeting - often without knowing it - to choose gifts for themselves, their friends and their loved ones, and even to pick our engagement rings for their hopefully soon-to-be wives.

Every Company relies on Visual Targeting - consciously or not, successfully or not - throughout the entire history of art, design, marketing and advertising.

Every Polititian & Social Movement depends constantly on the science of Visual Targeting - sometimes in fashions of genius, and othertimes making moronic blunders - to become President, write the laws that govern our world, and establish new standards in Human Rights and Global Social Responsibility.

The art of Visual Targeting is concerned with individual people's (and market's) current visual tastes, and appealing to them in the most pleasing manner. On the other end of the spectrum, Visual Targeting can accurately predict which markets and types of people around the world, would respond to specific pieces of art, product designs, logos, or advertisements most positively - and thus, would purchase them most readily.

The science of Visual Targeting measures the success of any design effort, fundamentally, by the practical results it brings forth: Whether it be an increase in advertising effectiveness, design concepts being chosen by the clients that are intended to like them, audiences responding to movie character roles the way the movie producers, writers and directors hoped they would, or a nation choosing the political candidate that can most effectively communicate irresistable value to voters.

Visual Targeting is not to be confused with aesthetics, talent, or design quality. This cannot be emphasized strongly enough: Visual Targeting is not a replacement, or a devaluation of Creative Artistic Expression. In fact, it is the opposite - an Art and Science that exists only to drastically empower and inspire the priceless Creative Artists that imagine the visuals, and design the products, that end up changing our world. Visual Targeting is here to help them succeed with getting their messages accepted by the masses they are targeting, easily.

See to learn about scientifically proven Visual Targeting technologies.

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