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you have imagination, you are creative, you are aware of your surrounding built environment and enjoy analysing their form, you want to do 'some good' in the community/environment, you like somethinga little different to everyone else...

and you dont need to ask yourself this question! because you already know the answer...

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16y ago
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15y ago

Architecture is about passion and everything regarding to emotions!!! It's about the excitement of creating new spaces that wander throughout your mind, and then feeling them as real. It is also a contribution to the society. It's about details and structures and everything coming together as one. It's about beauty,functionality,and eternity an architect in the making...

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11y ago

One reason to become an architect might be because you are interested in creating innovative and original buildings for other people to enjoy. You might also become an architect because the pay is excellent.

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16y ago

okkk you know what! you need to have some answers on here!!!! i tryed to find the anwer to something and it wasn't even on her!

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15y ago

I can't say anything that is very positive but there are some positives (and negatives). Visit this site:

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you need to have a 5 year bachelor's degree so you can become a architect

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Churches can have one door or 100. There is no reason except for what the architect designed.

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A colonial architect is some one who is colonial and is a architect!

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It can take up to four years to become an architect. Most will receive a bachelor's degree in architecture and design.

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you have to be a good designer and drawer, you have to be a good worker by your self, and you have to have intrist in it before you decied to be a architect.

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Why did Gustave Eiffel Become an architect?

He didn't. He was an engineer.

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Born 7 June 1868. Became an architect in 1899.

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