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That's "rotation".

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Q: What is one complete spin on earths axis called?
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What happens on the earth on account of rotation?

A complete spin of the earth on it's own axis is the rotation. It takes approx. 24 hour for earth to take one complete rotation.

What is earth spin?

The rotation of the planet on its axis of spin. The spin is responsible for the day and the night.

How long does it take mercury to spin?

It takes Mercury much longer than planet Earth to make a complete spin on its axis. Mercury rotates once every 1407 hours or 58 days.

What shape is the earths revolution?

If by revolution you mean the spin on it's own axis this is more or less a perfect circle. If you are referring to it's orbit around the sun, this is elliptical, not a perfect circle.

How does the earth spin and rotate?

no the earth spins on it's axis while rotating around the sun

Related questions

What is one complete spin onEarth's axis called?

rotationis one complete spin on earths axis!!!

What is it called when a planet complete spin on its axis?

A planet completing one full rotation on its axis is called a "day." This is what determines the length of a day on that planet.

What is a full spin on the earths axis called?

one rotation is one day.

What is it called when earth spins each complete spin?

Each spin of the earth is called a rotation of the earth on it's axis.

Are the earths spin axis and rotation axis the same thing?

Yes. When we're talking about the Earth, 'spin' and 'rotate' are the same thing.

What is on complete spin of earth on its axis?

a day

How many days does the earth spin on its axis?

it never stops spining. One complete rotation of the earth on its axis is called ONE DAY

What is one complete spin on the earth's axis known as?

one complete on the earth's axis is known as a rotation

What does rotation mean in geography?

one complete spin on the axis.

What is one spin on its axis called?


Does mars spin on its axis?

Yes, all planet do. Mars' axial rotation period is very similar to earths, taking 24 hours and 39 minutes to complete one solar or apparent day.

Does the moon spin on a excel?

Yes, but it is called "axis".