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Guimbal is the 4th class municipality in Iloilo, Philippines. It's the cleanest most business friendly town in Iloilo.

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Q: What is guimbal?
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What are the native musical instruments in visayas?

Bayog and Karatong (Percussion tubes). Guimbal and Tugo (Drums) TAE. XD

Description of guimbal instruments?

I love me,myself and I not you , kaya I don't care bahala kana ,maghanap ka sa iba

What is the picture of guimbal look alike?

If you can see the picture in google image then it would look alike like a helicopter. -Marie3331

What are the different musical instruments used by the Visayan?

Examples of Visayan musical instruments are: 1.Bayog 2.Buktot 3.Guimbal 4.Karatong 5.Lantoy 6.Litguit 7.Pasyok 8.Sista 9.Subing 10.Tulali

Different musical instruments found in Visayas?

Kudyapi (guitar of flute) A kudyapi is a stringed instrument similar to a lute; it features two strings that are manipulated when the instrument is played. The kudyapi is made of wood, and most measure between four and six feet long. The instrument is native to the Philippines, where many residents learn to play the traditional instrument. Traditionally, a man with the plan of proposing to a woman would firstly have to impress her with his musical skills on the kudyapi. Of course, these practices are no longer widespread, but the kudyapi remains a part of the local culture in the Philippines. Korlong (fiddle) A fiddle is any bowed string musical instrument, most often the violin.[1] It is also a colloquial term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music. Fiddle playing, or fiddling, refers to various styles of music. Common distinctions between violins and fiddles reflect the differences in the instruments used to play classical and folk music. However, it is not uncommon for classically trained violinists to play folk music, and today many fiddle players have some classical training. A lot of traditional (folk) styles are aural traditions, so are taught 'by ear' rather than with written music. Guimbal and Tugo (drums) A tugo is a musical percussion instrument native to the Philippines, where it is still played by many residents. It is large and shaped like a guitar, but made completely of wood. The lower part of the instrument is hollow, but unlike the guitar the tugo has no hole for the sound to come out of. The player of the tugo can adjust the strings on the instrument to produce different pitched sounds as they hit the tugo base with their hands or a beater. The tugo could be broadly classed as a percussion instrument (although it does feature strings). Buktot (lutes) Buktot- a word in the filipino language generally meaning a humpbacked person. The instrument resonator, usually a coconut shell, resembles a hunchback! The buktot is a Visayan Guitar Litguit (violins) A litguit instrument is a traditional Filipino instrument that is used to make percussion sounds that resemble those of maracas. The instrument has a long, thin wooden handle, and, when it is played, it is struck with another long, slim piece of wood to produce the distinctive sound. Traditional musical instruments evoke the spirit of their "home" countries, adding beauty and uniqueness to traditional folk music or more modern musical compositions. Today, many musicians use traditional Filipino musical instruments to add special elements to rock, jazz, or pop music. Lantoy (clarinets) The nose flute, another type of end-blown flute, is found mostly in northern Philippines where the Kalinga call it tongali, the Bontok kaleleng, and the Ifugao ungiung. It is found sporadically in some areas of the south among the Hanunuo (lantuy), the Batak (lantoy), and the Bukidnon (bulaktob). The Cuyunin of Palawan have gigantic nose flutes with tubes much larger in diameter than those found in Luzon. Tulali (flute)