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an alcohol lamp is not better than the Bunsen burner, which can make a flame more higher and stronger.. Because alcohol lamp is used to flame and can burn the environment arround you. Bunser burner is more unique than the alcohol lamp. This alcohol lamp is very dangerous when not use properly. When an alcohol lamp is lighting or it flames, use the cover to prevent it and make the flame be gone for an instant without harming yourself or the objects around you cannot be destroyed.
>>>>m.j (14)

use to contain a chemical in a cylinder flask.

d q alam kung tama to? haha pki improve nalang po :)

m.j (14)<<<<<

An alcohol lamp consists of a small jar, often glass, with a wick which goes through a lid in the jar. It can be used in place of a candle or as a lantern. It can also be used in place of a Bunsen burner for gentle heating of something in a laboratory.

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10y ago

The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions. Alcohol is the fuel for heating.

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The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions.

What is the alchohol lamp?

The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions. Alcohol is the fuel for heating.

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Alcohol lampalcohol lampalcohol lampalcohol lampalcohol lampalcohol lampalcohol lamp

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The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions. Alcohol is the fuel for heating.

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This is a lamp using alcohol as fuel.

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An alcohol lamp is a simple heating device that uses alcohol as fuel and a wick to produce an open flame. It is commonly used in laboratories for sterilization, heating, and small-scale experiments. The alcohol is ignited, producing a consistent and controllable flame that can reach high temperatures for various applications.

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The alcohol lamp is used for heating.

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The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions. Alcohol is the fuel for heating.

Uses of an alchohol lamp?

The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions. Alcohol is the fuel for heating.

How do you use a alchohol lamp?

The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions.

Use of a alchohol lamp?

The alcohol lamp is generally used during excursions.