Warthogs have very rough, dry skin. This is due to the fact that they live in a warm climate, and because they love to dig, they get themselves covered in dirt and causes their skin to feel very dry and rough. This is why their skin has a slight resemblence to elephants!
No, cheetahs eat warthogs.
Warthogs live in groups with their family's.
Colors of warthogs are usually a tan or a dark brown.
From four wart like protrusions on the head. They also serve as a defense when males fight
Warthogs are herbivorous, or plant eaters. They primarily eat grasses, and are the only type of pig that is a grazer. Deer are definitely not a food source for warthogs.
No, cheetahs eat warthogs.
they breed like a dog they have the sames
Yes, warthogs have teeth.
warthogs eat grass and some meat
something like 6 months
warthogs eat grass and some meat
Warthogs live in groups with their family's.
Warthogs are wild members of the pig family
The collective noun is a sounder of warthogs.
No. Warthogs and kangaroos occupy different continents. Warthogs are found in Africa, while kangaroos are native to Australia.
Colors of warthogs are usually a tan or a dark brown.