A two handed greek jug is commonly known as a Lekythos.
That depends on what you mean by "vessel". Vessels on a vase could simply look like pictures of boats as decoration on a vase. Otherwise the meaning of vessel and vase is somewhat interchageable, vessel can mean bowl or tube so the term vessel is often used to describe a vase that is more pot-like in shape, or has a pot-like segment with a fluted top while "vase" in its specific sense is used to describe the very narrow tube-like structure people use to hold single flowers. As vessel also means tube-like structure (as in "blood vessel") it's possible that a vessel on a vase could be a a small tube coming from a larger vase designed to hold and pour liquid.
One idea is to pour some paint into the vase, seal the top, shake it up and, pour it out. If the top can't be conveniently sealed, pour the paint out while turning the vase. This process can be repeated as many times as needed to get complete coverage.
It will be marked.
$12.00 is the value of a national potteries company Napco vase number C 7720.
The aryballos, a spherical perfume or oil jar. Taller But narrower is the lekythos used for oil or sometimes perfume.
The vases (lekythoi) stored olive oil for the ritual anointing of the dead(every year), more specifically unmarried men
An ancient Greek oil-storage jar.
Lekythos refers to oil jar pottery of ancient Greece and Rome. The word is pronounced LEK uh thoss, with emphasis on the first syllable. It rhymes with albatross.
there are lots of different types, Amphora-common type of handled vase, various sizes. wine/oil storage vessels. Dinosa- no handles, rounded bottom. Hydria- handled water vessel. Kantharos- large ornate handled drinking vessel. Krater- mixing jar for wine and water Kylix- shallow drinking cup Phiale- libation bowl, no handles or stem. Pyxis- more like a box than a vase, but painted in the same style as the ones above. Stamnos- type of amphora Psykter- wide bottom cooling vase. Oinochoe- pitcher for pouring wine. Loutrophoros- "carrier of washing water" Lebes Gamikos- marriage bowl, ritual vase for carring water to the bridal bath. Lekythos- small vase for perfumed oils. Alabastron- oil vase Aryballos- small vase with rounded base for pouting and holding oil.
A Portland vase is a Roman cameo glass vase. This is black and white vase.
A two handed greek jug is commonly known as a Lekythos.
A flower vase is 'un vase' (masc.) in French.
Flowers in a vase is 'des fleurs dans un vase' in French.
history of a flower vase
Vase is not a verb. It's a noun.