The conductor of a music group is called a conductor.
Stan Kenton OrchestraStatler BrothersShenandoahSawyer Brown
They are still Indie, and have refused to sign a contract with Walmart to allow downloads
tiny use to be apart of a group called xscape i know it looks like i spelled it wrong but that is how it is really spelled i hope i helped answere your question.
Bombay in India and Hollywood in america because for it's film and music productions.
Meg knows how India uses their music.
India.arie's "Yellow" is administered by Warner Music Group.
While there are sometimes other stakeholders involved, most works can be handled through Warner Music Group.
Naushad was the music director of 'Mother India'.
Music that is a combination of Hollywood, Los Angeles, and India. It's a mixture of American pop music and India pop music.
There are many types of music that the music group called Rudejam plays. The music group called Rudejam plays a lot of rap music and a lot of abstract music.
philosopical and religous influences to the music of india
Type your answer here... It's called Excuses and it's performed by a group called The morning benders
Carnatic music.
religous aspect that influence the music of india ?
Bhangra is the top music in India and many other countries with predominately Indian populations.
Do One Music Group was created in 2009.