The word heart is a noun, a singular, common noun; a concrete noun as a word for an organ of the body; an abstract noun as a word for the central, most important part or the center of a person's thoughts and emotions.
Sino atrial node
No. Arteriosclerosis is the progressive narrowing of the blood vessels that leads to a heart attack.
Another name for the human heart is a cardiac muscle.
Hypertension means high blood pressure, usually above 140/90. A high heart rate is called Tachycardia (>100bpm)
another name for your heart is th main organ of your bodybrijrajsinh
another heart
Another name for epicardium is the visceral pericardium. It is the inner layer of the pericardium, a double-layered sac surrounding the heart.
cardiac arrest
Heart songs
No, it's another name for "chest pain". Chest pain is associated with having a heart-attack, but can also just occur by itself (without a heart-attack).
There's Restless Heart I know that, but I think that there may be another one...
The sinoatrial node (SA)
Sino atrial node
No. Arteriosclerosis is the progressive narrowing of the blood vessels that leads to a heart attack.
The visceral pericardium is the outer sac that surrounds the heart. Another name for the visceral pericardium is the endocardium.