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Q: What influenced Martin Luther King Jr during his childhood?
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What was Martin Luther King Jr. ChildHood?

childhood for martin was hard during the civile rights between black and white

Who was the Pope during Martin Luther's thesis?

The Pope during Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-Five Theses was Pope Leo X.

What award did Martin Luther King get in 1929?

Martin Luther King (Jr.) was born in 1929, and did not claim any awards during this time.

Does Martin Luther King have anything to do with the french revolution?

no he does not. On the other hand, Martin Luther impacted the first enlightenment during the French Revolution.

Who began Protestantism?

Martin luther during the reformation in the 16th century

Who was president during Martin Luther kings speech?

Linden Johnson

What are the names of Martin Luther King Jr.?

Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. He was called by many names such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. King, and ML.

What was Martin Luther called when he was younger?

Answer: Quite a number of things changed for Luther during his lifetime, but his name was not one of them.

What year did Martin Luther King get arested?

Martin Luther King was arrested in 1960 during a sit-in in a restaurant, in 1962 during the Albany, Georgia movement, in 1963 for demonstrating without a permit, and in 1965 during a voting rights demonstration.

Martin Luther when threatened with expulsion from the Church did what?

During the 1500s in Western Europe, Martin Luther's protests of the Church were met eventually with a number of threatened retaliations, including excommunication (or, expulsion). Martin Luther's response was to stand on his conscience and refuse to betray his convictions.

How many speeches did Martin Luther king give during his lifetime?


What happen to martin Luther king during the march in Washington?

he got arested