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Is result of emberoylic defect that lead of right to left shunt

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14y ago

Congenital Heart disease can cause cyanosis. So can congestive heart failure.

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Q: What heart disease causes cyanosis?
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Related questions

What causes cyanotic condition and how is it treated?

Cyanosis can be due to problems with heart or lungs. In children cyanosis is commonly due to congenital heart disease in which there is right to left shunt for eg. Tetrology of Fallot.

Does cyanosis in pulmonary valve stenosis occur in adults as well?

That is very rare to find cyanosis due to heart disease in adult. But then any thing is possible in biology.

What would be possible causes for a toddler to have unexplained periodic cyanosis episodes and could thyroid function have anything to do with it?

Cyanosis usually indicates cardiac disease. The child needs to be evaluated properly.

What doctor discovered cyanosis?

Dr. Ettie Levy first described cyanosis as a symptom in cases of congenital heart disease in a medical journal in 1874. However, Dr. Trousseau is often credited with coining the term "cyanosis" in the early 1800s.

What are the reasons for cyanosis?

Cyanosis is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. Cyanosis is associated with cold temperatures, heart failure, lung diseases, and smothering

What causes you to get heart disease?

Reasons of having Heart Disease : ^ Lifestyle ^Improper Diet ^Heridetary

What disease is caused by smoking?

It causes bronchitis and lung cancer and heart disease.

Does hyperbilirubinemia cause cyanosis?

Hyperbilirubinemia causes jaundice.

How is obesity scientifically linked to heart disease?

obesity usually causes high cholesterol and diabetes and high blood pressure which are the 3 major causes of heart disease.

What is meant by the phrase Tetralogy of Fallot?

The Tetralogy of Fallot is a heart condition where it usually involves four anatomical abnormalities of the heart, it is a common heart defect that causes cyanosis and the most common cause of blue baby syndrome.

Where can I get advice on the causes of heart disease?

To find an advice on the causes of heart disease one can talk to his primary physician or look it up on websites such as There are a lot of info online.

What causes accasional pain on the left side of the body near the heart?

heart disease or heart attack