When the colors of red and blue are mixed together, they make the color purple. Red and blue are both primary colors.
Red and blue.
Blue and red paint when mixed together create purple.
a secondary color for instance mixing blue, and orange make brown... i think brown is an intermidiate colour anyway... right?? Red, Blue and yellow are the 3 primary colors. Example: if you mix blue and yellow you will get green, mix red and blue and you will get purple, mix red and yellow and you will get orange.
its not worth anything?
When you mix blue with red, you typically get purple. The specific shade of purple will depend on the ratio of blue to red used in the mixture.
When you mix red and blue, you get purple.
You cannot mix blue with anything to get red. (Well, you could mix a little blue with a lot of red and get red, I suppose.)
You can mix red with blue to make purple. The red color mixes with the blue to create a shade of purple.
You cannot mix any color with blue to get red. Blue and red are primary colors.
Blue and red mix to create the color purple.
If you mix red and blue you will get purple. It is difficult to mix them in perfect proportion, but that is how you get the most common shade of purple. If you use more red it will be warmer and if you use more blue it will be cooler.
To get purple, mix red and blue. To get orange, mix red and yellow.
red = red blue = blue when you mix them you get purple yay!
Red and blue. blue plus red
You need to mix Blue and Red for the color purple.And white for light purple and black for dark purple.
The color you get when you mix red and blue light is magenta.