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You are increasing the strength of an adjective, usually when comparing it to something: My grades are higher than yours.

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Q: What happens when you add -er to a word?
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What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add er to it?

If you add two letters to short (adding "er"), it makes "shorter."

What is the comparative and superlative of the word kind?

add er in comparative and add est in superlative

What do you add two letters to to make the word shorter?

it is a word game the word is SHORT then add ER letters at end, to make SHORTER

What part of a word is the root?

The root word is like the base. You can add begenings and endings to a root word. For example, the root word is LOVE you can add ER to make it LOVER.

What is a suffix to the root word pray?

A suffix you could add to the root word "pray" is "-er" to create the word "prayer."

What word becomes shorter the more you add letters to it?

The word is SHORT it was 5 letter you then add ER

How do you add er to the word likely?

you don't. it is likely, more likely, and most likely. |[:|

What five letter word which becomes shorter with two letters into it?

"What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?"short + er = shorter

How do you add the suffix er on a word with a stressed syllable and one vowel and one consonant?

this is the answer to the question farmer planter and a combiner with the suffix er (one who).

Can you add the suffixes 'ness' 'er' 'est' or 'ly to a word that ends with a vowel before the y?


Is nicer a word?

No nicer is wrong English, however you cannot add "-er" to the end of nice.

What is the rule for adding er to a one syllable word?

The general rule is to add -er to a one-syllable word to form the comparative degree. For example, "fast" becomes "faster" and "big" becomes "bigger". However, there are a few exceptions and irregular forms, such as "good" becoming "better" and "bad" becoming "worse".