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Engine makes noise, performance drops, fuel mileage drops,

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Q: What happens when the cam shaft goes bad?
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Related questions

What happens when cam sensor goes bad in a 1999 Saturn sl2?

Nothing...........there is none.

What happens when cam sensor goes bad on 1989 buick lesabre?

car stalls backfires hard to start

Is the cam shaft in the differential?

no, the cam shaft is on the engine cylinder head..

How often do you need to replace cam shaft positioning sensor?

only when bad.....not a maintenance item

Can a Chevy Lumina cam shaft break?

Yes any camshaft can break if something goes wrong.

What causes your Honda stream 2002 cam shaft censor to go bad?

It's Japanese. That's how.

Where actually is the cam shaft sensor on a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE?

The sensor on the CAM SHAFT!

What does it mean when you have a VTECH system malfunction?

this probably means you have a worn cam shaft or cam shaft or the arm that hits the cam shaft to open the valve is worn. this is internal on the engine.

How to change the timing sensor on cam shaft gear?

some of these bad boys have a magnet in the timing cam gear must remove timing cover on these models

How do you change a cam shaft?

Older engines, not overhead cam, it goes in from the front of the motor and you need to put in new bearings with the cam. Overhead cam is under the valve cover and is held in place with caps that bolt on. Take the timing belt pulley off the front, hold tension on it so that the timing doesn't jump, remove the caps and lift out the cam shaft.

Speed ratio between cam shaft and crank shaft?

Cam spins at half the speed of the engine.

What is a cam chain on a Nissan 350Z?

cam chains are a chain the attach to the crankshaft and the cam shaft , the crankshaft is the shaft making the pistons go up and down the cam shaft makes the valves open and close, the crank shaft and cam shaft have to be aligned a certain way or the car will not fire, this is called "timing" . if your looking for where it is , its most likely in the front of the engine get a pro to look at it.