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In a normal individual, disatolic BP should remian unchanged (or decrease only slightly) as heart rate increases.

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Q: What happens to diastole as heart rate increases?
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What is the first thing that happens to the body during exercise?

Heart rate increases.

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The heart rate increases in direct proportion to the physical activity. The heart rate may goes up to 180 per minute from the resting 75 per minute.

What happens to a persons resting heart rate when doing cardiorespratory exercise and conditioning?

It decreases because your heart no longer has to work as hard.

What happens to a frogs heart rate when temperature changes?

the rate of contraction increases with a rise in temperature and decreases with a fall in temperature

Why is there no increase in diastolic pressure after exercise?

Diastole is a stage in which the heart is completely relaxed in order for blood to pour into the heart's atria (upper chambers). Although the rate at which the blood enters the heart increases (causing a slight increase in pressure), there is no contraction for the pressure to increase drastically.

How does laughing affect your heart rate?

It increases your heart rate.

Why your heart rate increases when you run?

Your heart rate increases as it has to pump oxygenated blood around the body.