cor⋅mo⋅rant [kawr-mer-uhnt] -noun 1.any of several voracious, totipalmate seabirds of the family Phalacrocoracidae, as Phalacrocorax carbo, of America, Europe, and Asia, having a long neck and a distensible pouch under the bill for holding captured fish, used in China for catching fish. 2.a greedy person. Origin: 1300-50; ME cormera(u)nt < MF cormorant, OF cormareng < LL corvus marīnus sea-raven. See corbel, marine
babyhood, baccated, backbend, backhand, backhoed, backload, backslid, backward, backwood, backyard, badgered, bagpiped, balanced, baldhead, balloted, ballyard, balsamed, bandaged, banished, bankcard, bantered, baptised, baptized, barbered, barehand, barehead, barnyard, barraged, barreled, bartered, basified, basseted, basswood, battened, battered, beaconed, bearwood, beavered, becalmed, becapped, beckoned, becoward, becrimed, becursed, bedamned, bedaubed, bedboard, bedecked, bedimmed, bedotted, bedraped, bedstand, bedstead, bedumbed, bedunced, beebread, beefwood, befitted, befleaed, befogged, befooled, befouled, befriend, begalled, beggared, begirded, begrimed, beguiled, begulfed, beheaded, behooved, behowled, bekissed, beladied, belauded, beleaped, belfried, believed, bellbird, bellowed, belonged, bemeaned, bemisted, bemoaned, bemocked, bendayed, bentwood, benumbed, bereaved, berhymed, beringed, berouged, beseemed, beshamed, beshroud, besieged, beslaved, beslimed, besmiled, besmoked, besnowed, besotted, bespread, bestowed, betrayed, bettered, beuncled, bevelled, bewailed, bewigged, bewinged, bewormed, bewrayed, bickered, bicuspid, bicycled, biforked, biformed, bikinied, billeted, billfold, billhead, billiard, billowed, bindweed, biosolid, biparted, birdfeed, birdseed, bisected, bishoped, bistered, bittered, bivalved, blanched, blazered, blazoned, bleached, blenched, blighted, blinkard, blizzard, bloodied, bloodred, blotched, blowhard, bluebird, bluehead, blueweed, bluewood, boatload, boatyard, bogarted, bollixed, bolloxed, bolthead, bombload, bombycid, bondmaid, bonehead, boneyard, bonneted, boohooed, bordered, borrowed, bothered, botryoid, bottomed, bountied, bowelled, bowwowed, boxboard, brabbled, braconid, brailled, brambled, branched, brandied, brassard, brattled, brazened, breached, breasted, breathed, breeched, breveted, brigaded, brindled, bristled, brittled, broached, brocaded, brokered, bromated, bromized, browband, brunched, bucketed, budgeted, buffered, buffeted, buggered, bulkhead, bulleted, bullhead, bullweed, bumpered, bunkered, burdened, burrowed, busheled, bushland, bushveld, buskined, buttered, butthead, buttoned, buzzword, bypassed
219 words
Allegedly is a 9 letter word. Discredit is a 9 letter word.
A 9-letter word for questioning is Inquiring.
What starts with T and ends with Z? if looking for a word that starts with T and ends with Z, then; five (5) letter word: trooz. topaz. nine (9) letter word: terahertz.
sixteenth, squeamish
ludicrous litigious
Fireproof Foolproof
Kangaroos, keepsakes.
That's startling.