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The goldfish is considered to be a classical Chinese symbolism to represent gold, wealth, abundance, and harmony.

AnswerIt is one among the eight sacred symbols of the Buddha where they represent fertility, abundance and harmony with the flow of life. Ancient Greeks believed goldfish enhanced good luck in marriage and relationships. In ancient Egypt goldfish were kept in the house as a lucky omen for the family and helped cheer up domestic situations. They invite wealth, prosperity, and harmonious movement, especially in business and personal affairs.
Could mean anything... or nothing at all.... it all depends on the persons opinion and preference
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17y ago

In most cases, tattoos are intensely personal and one thing can mean something completely different to each person. Bettas are very interesting fish. They can be used to represent a lot of things, some possibly including:

- Being small but still being a warrior

- Strength

- Fighting for what one believes in to the death

- Being solitary

- Being beautiful on the outside, strong on the inside

- Independence

- Being more than what one appears to be on the outside The list goes on for ages. As previously stated, tattoos are very personal and what a Betta may mean to you or I may not be applicable to someone else. If you were looking to get a tattoo of a Betta fish, I suggest doing some research on the fish themselves before doing so. Some great resources: Hope this helped :D


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