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when a koi fish swims upstream and makes it it turns into a magnificent dragon thus a koi fish swimming upstream symbolizes overcoming adversity and realizing/fufilling our fullest potential

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Q: What does a koi fish symbolize upstream?
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What directions do koi fish swim?

Anything with a face should be looking inward and almost never outwards, and with Koi, they ALWAYS go upstream and never downstream.

What doens Koi fish swimming upstream versus downstream mean?

Upstream: you have been in a battle. Downstream: you have achieved your goal

What does a koi swimming down stream mean?

A koi would generally be depicted swimming upstream, not down. According to Japanese legend, once a koi swims over the falls at the 'Dragon Gate on the Yellow River' it would be transformed into a dragon. As such, the koi swimming upstream is a symbol of Ambition.

What does a yellow koi fish symbolize?

martin Luther king

What does a tattoo of a fighter fish mean?

The most common Asian style fish that people get tattoos of are the Koi fish. Koi fish tattoos symbolize good fortune.

What does two koi fish symbolize?

Two koi fish symbolize yin and yang according to feng shui.Yin and yang complement each other. This creates balance, harmony and happiness. Thus two koi symbolize harmony, balance and happiness, a symbol of good luck for marriage.

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What dose a purple and white koi fish meaning

What does two kois swimming upstream symbolize?

Well, I'm not sure about two, but one Koi symbolizes "a long and healthy life".

What does the direction of a koi fish mean in tattooing?

Well koi fish symbolise strength and courage, and the legend and myth behind the koi fish is that it swims upstream to turn into a dragon. The Dragon symbolises the end of a journey and overcoming the obstacle you faced. Therefore a Koi swimming upstream symbolises faceing a problem and being on a quest to put an end to it. A Koi swimming downstream symbolises that it has allready overcome the problem, people often get this to symbolise the end of an ordeal.

What does a red pink koi fish represent?

On Children's Day in Japan, koi fish flags are often flown to symbolize each member of the family. Black koi symbolizes the father; red and orange koi for the mother, blue and white koi for the son, red and pink koi stands for each daughter.

What does koi fish with cherry blossoms mean?

Koi fish are a symbol of good fortune. The direction they are swimming has to do with the wearer's personality. Upstream means that one has an outgoing personality, whereas downstream symbolizes more introverted. Cherry blossoms symbolize life, and how it is ever changing. When done properly, there will be blossoms of varying sizes, and varying stages of life, from tiny buds to full blossoms. There will also be petals floating in the wind, symbolizing death, whereas the buds symbolize new life.

What does a butterfly koi tattoo symbolize?

A butterfly koi tattoo can symbolize a great many things. A butterfly koi can symbolize faith, trust, hope, and love.