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God's dealings with man. Also the basic truths that Loveis Everything, and that "hate iiiis its own disease"! A copyrighted saying by James Paul McCartney. Good produces everything that is desirable and bad is degenerative. Good Is progressive bad is regressive! It's that Simple!

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The Bible symbilizes the religion of Christianity

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Q: What does The Bible symbolizes?
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According to the Bible, it symbolizes that God won't flood the world again. But to people, it symbolizes gay people. Not sure why that is... But to Wiccans, the rainbow is a source of peace and power.

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The bed symbolizes that no secret place is secure from deception (2Kings 6:12).

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In Exodus 3:1-22, where Moses finds a burning bush which symbolizes God.

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In the chinese culture it represents luck. In western culture it can mean love or death or fire or passion.AnswerIn The Bible, red symbolizes wartime, bloodshed.

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Many bible scholars believe that the oil in the alabaster box in the bible represents worship. They believe that the when the woman breaks her box it symbolizes her pouring her worship on her Lord.

What does water symbolize in the Bible?

Water is mentioned 722 times in the Holy Scripture, and is used in a variety of metaphorical ways. However, Bible experts believe that water mainly symbolizes the Word of God.

What does it mean in the bible when God give someone a new name?

It symbolizes that he/she is "born again" and is a new person in Christ Hope that helps!(: