Sparta is important because if it wasn't important, then Greece would have no way of protection itself from enemies. :) Sparta is important for several reasons. For one, it was one of several city states that would later encompass Greece. Like their Athenian counterparts, the Spartans were fierce soldiers and died to protect their lands. This was evident during the face off against hordes of invading Persians.
The people that living in Sparta are Spartans. Sparta is located in Greece.
If you mean King Leonidas, Gerard Butler.
This is Sparta!
It means 'this is Sparta'. :D
Spartam is the Latin word for Sparta. Sparta was a city-state location in Ancient Greece. The official language in Sparta was Doric Greek.
if you mean is a helot a spartaN, no. The Spartans weren't the people of Sparta, they were the high class of sparta, although the term is often improperly used to describe all of the people of Sparta
An Egyptian Mau. IF by "mean kitty", you mean the famous Sparta. smpfilms on YouTube has a video about Sparta and where he came from.
The people that living in Sparta are Spartans. Sparta is located in Greece.
well Sparta has slaves but they well are vary cruel and mean to there slaves and Athens gives and has respect
If you mean King Leonidas, Gerard Butler.
Ephors were the five senior magistrates in Sparta.
Spartans were mean.
It means to fight in war.