Gauntlets are dress gloves. People wear glasses and a garland. People wear galoshes.
Gun Guilty Grenades Guard Guardian G-man G force
The Governor.
Poo and G strings
Gum Boots
golashes and green pants
Glasses, goggles, gloves, garters, girdle. G-string (just puting that out their)
Well the first one that comes to mind.... G-string.... but really Gauchos---(1970's version of wide-leg capris) Garterbelts
A mood starting with G is generous.
An attitude starting with G is gracious.
A place starting with G is Genoa, Italy.
A thing starting with G is garage.
An antelope starting with G is gazelle.
A beverage starting with the letter "g" can be Gatorade... or if you found another answer, then great.
A place starting with G is Great Britain.
A geographical feature starting with G is a gorge.