Color theory can become very complex but basically there are three primary colors, Red, Blue and Yellow. These three colors make three secondary colors. Red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green and red and blue make violet.
It depends on the color you want to make...For example, red + blue = purple yellow + red = orange red + white = pink green + yellow = blue yellow + blue = green
Blue with yellow,make green, Red,and green make a brown, Red and yellow = orange, red and white = pink, blue and red will give you a purple, adding white to get more violate, There are the 5 primary colors, white, black, yellow, blue and red. With these 5 colors you can get any color, with various combinations.
A primary color is one of three, basic colors, used to produce all other colors and shades, without these colors no other colors could be made. The three primary colors are Red, Blue and Yellow, no other colours can be mixed to make Red, Blue or Yellow, while Yellow + Red = Orange, as Blue + Yellow = Green and Blue + Red = Purple. White is a perfect mixture of all three colors and Black is a "Shade" of any of them. Thanks for listening. I love you all, goodbye.
Red is one of the primary colors, so I don't think you could mix any other colors to get red. Magenta and yellow make red.
Red and yellow. There are no other colors besides red and yellow that make orange.
You can make any color out of blue, red, and yellow, but no colors can be mixed to make those three colors. Blue+Red= Purple Blue+Yellow= Green Yellow+Red= Orange White+Red= Pink
Red, blue and green make yellow
No. Yellow is a primary color, and cannot be made by other colors. There are only three primary colors: Red, yellow, and blue. Red + green = brown.
Red and yellow mix to make orange.
The primary colors magenta and yellow can combine to make red.
No color can make yellow, it is a primary color, along with red, and blue. they are all colors that cannot be made by other colors. you can make secondary colors, though. Secondary colors are orange, purple, and green. yellow+blue=green yellow+red=orange blue+red=purple
red and yellow
Red and yellow make orange when mixed together.
Red, blue, and yellow are primary colors. No other colors make them. They are mixed to make other colors...
Color theory can become very complex but basically there are three primary colors, Red, Blue and Yellow. These three colors make three secondary colors. Red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green and red and blue make violet.
It depends on the color you want to make...For example, red + blue = purple yellow + red = orange red + white = pink green + yellow = blue yellow + blue = green