Link: Copy, Paste.
the twin tours look like a pile of dust when they were hit. now they are buliding there to take the twin tours placeTake a pic . Then crop a pic of a celebrity and paste it on your pic
It usaully has lines goin through it, just because its an older pic.
well.. it depends, are you friends with her ? if you are then maybe she jsut took a pic of you as a laugh then had a look at it. How do you no if she was looking at the pic of you? maybe she just wanted a pic of you:L you should jsut ask her if she isn't you friend and your not aqquitanced with her. ask her alone so she doesnt feel unsecure. good luck.
Can you please tell me what Aborigial art look likes, in a pic or painting.
Show the cutter a pic of Zach Morris and say you want your hair like that and they will cut it as close as they can.
Just like this: "you look great in the pic."
it looks like a stone pic
dude just look up a pic on the internet
Just look up a pic on google. simple as that.
no one kwons what he look like now . but hear is a pic of him when he was on degrassi.
I added a pic
Dont no don't look like it from the pic.
He doesn't have an Oovoo. xx
freaky and weird
Look on Google images. The pic can't be pasted here cuz it looks like a block
this is what he looks like! its kinda bad but atleast its his pic!
Take a pic . Then crop a pic of a celebrity and paste it on your pic