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Q: What did the Norman women eat?
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What did soldiers eat during lunch in a Norman castle?

Fruits, breads and meats.

What did they eat at Norman banquets?

hundreds of people were at a Norman banquet and they had a great time because they were there because their daughter was getting married or they just have lots of money ! haha ! ! ! but this website is crap and has NO answers ! ! ! lol ! ! !

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Norman Frederick Morris has written: 'Sterilization as a means of birth control in men and women' -- subject(s): Sexual Sterilization, Sterilization (Birth control)

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Pregnant women may eat anything they can safely eat when htey are not pregnant, well done of course....

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Yes, it does. Bebo Norman wrote it as an apology to Britney Spears for the way that our media selfishly uses people, especially women, then tears them down.

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Norman Rush has written: 'Mating' -- subject(s): Love stories 7, Love stories, Women anthropologists, Fiction 'Mating' -- subject(s): Accessible book

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eat every thing

In a Norman castle what is a portcullis?

The chicken wing flying from antartica and when donkeyd fly they begin to eat ants

Can pregnant women eat kiwis?

No-one may eat kiwis. They are protected native birds of New Zealand.However, pregnant women may eat kiwifruit.