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It starts out kind of like putting your right hand over your heart,then going up real fast and putting your hand in the air,palm facing the ground and fingers to gather.

Answer #2Take the explanation of answer#1 and add the verbal salute of "heil" (hail). In fact you woundn't need to explain that much - just say it's a German version of the ancient Roman Empire... when soldiers salute "macte" the Caesar... in fact it's the roman salute.
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13y ago
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15y ago

The Natzi symbol is when a Natzi raises his right hand above his head in a open manner and then proceeds to say the Natzi plede.


The greeting involved raising the right hand and saying 'Heil Hitler'. In occupied Poland some Poles mockingly said 'Geil Gitler', which is equivalent to 'randy Gitler'. The Nazis didn't take kindly to that.

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10y ago

The Nazi salute represented respect and recognition for authority. The salute was done using the right arm which was raised to the eye level.

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9y ago

Based on photographs and film taken in the 1930's, the Nazi salute was done with the right arm.

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9y ago

The Nazi sign was the swastika

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Q: What arm did Nazis salute with?
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A soldier who is physically unable to salute with his or her right hand may render a salute with the left hand.

What is the salute?

The Leeds Salute is now a well established part of our culture, to do it make a fist with your right arm place the thumb edge of the fist on your heart, extend your arm fully outwards and slightly upwards. The salute is used when we get a corner kick and is accompanied but a low grunting LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS."

How does a Naval officer salute without a right arm?

With his left, they would let it slide.

What is the leeds salute?

The Leeds Salute is now a well established part of our culture, to do it make a fist with your right arm place the thumb edge of the fist on your heart, extend your arm fully outwards and slightly upwards. The salute is used when we get a corner kick and is accompanied but a low grunting LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS."

Hitler's hail to victory salute?

Hitler adopted the stiff-armed salute for his troops from Benito Mussolini, who had copied the old Roman salute. Hitler went to the extreme had had civilian people punished who would not give the salute. The salute was not given to victory but was given with the verbal salute of "Heil Hitler". ________ Another theory I've heard is that he adopted Mussolini's fascist arm raise only because he had a hand-shaking phobia.

Can you salute with your left hand?

It does matter in which county you are. What I know is; Some places in Belgium they do. In the US Military, you are authorized to salute with your left hand when: You are a band major You are opening the door for a dignitary, with your right hand (i.e the U.S. President) Your right hand/arm is injured Rifle salute, it is a salute done while performing rifle manual movements

What does Hile Hitler sign look like?

The Nazi salute is an extended arm with an open hand, raised enough to show the palm.

What command comes after present arms?

Order Arms. This ends the salute. The arm/weapon goes back to the original position of attention.

What does Saluti Romani mean?

Saluti Romani means "Roman salute" in Italian. It refers to a raised arm gesture used as a form of greeting or salutation, similar to the more well-known Nazi salute but with the arm extended out straight rather than at an angle. The gesture is associated with early Roman culture and has also been used in certain fascist movements.

How do members of the Canadian Forces salute?

With their right hand, fingers together, the middle finger at the right eyebrow and the right arm 90 degrees from the body.

Why do the Cub Scouts say 2 after the Pledge of Allegiance?

The salute is a two part movement. The first part is when the hand is raised. It is done on the command "scout salute" instead of saying "one". The arm is dropped when the order "two" is given.

How do you Translate English salute to German salute?
