The surface of the Dead Sea is more than 400 meters below sea level and mineral laden water flowing into it from the Jordan River disappear by evaporation. Minerals left behind after the water evaporates make the Dead Sea about nine times as salty as the oceans. Animal and plant life cannot exist in this high a concentration of salt, so the Dead Sea was given its name long ago because there was no evidence of any forms of life in it. There are tiny microbes living in the Dead Sea, but their existence was unknown before the 1900's.
The Dead Sea is unusual because it is called the Dead Sea but anybody can swim in it and won't drown.
Length of Dead Sea is 67 kilometers and its width is 18 kilometers.
Partial answer: The salinity of the dead sea is ~31.5% by weight while the salinity of the Mediterranean is ~3.5%
Yes because there is so much salt in dead sea water the water is denser making you relatively lighter compared to normal water.
you can float in it ans=d it is a deep sea
the sea died
First of all it is the dead sea and it is located close to Israel.
dead seathe dead sea
The Dead Sea is also called the Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea.
Dead sea should be a sea.
Yes, because there were many prehistoric sea animals in the Dead Sea. Their were also prehistoric sea animals called "Archelon" which is a Giant Sea Turtle. That used to roam the sea floors. So it probably died on the sea floor and now there are fossils there. Hope this helps!
dead sea dead liao
The Dead Sea is a lake.
sea chodes is a factor of the dead sea
no there are micro organisms in the dead sea
Dead Sea.