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Housing in Greece mainly consisted of brick or stone formed together with mud . If you were wealthy you would have hired a professonal builder to do the work the house when finished looked like a u shape from bird eye view it was made of brick and if you were a very wealthy man you would have stained glass windows.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Sumerian houses on the interior looked like a regular house sort of. They had beds dinning space, cooking place and gardens on the outside. They either had no roof or a hay roof, because of the climate.

Wealthier Sumerians had several rooms, usually with their houses shaped like a 'U'

They were also believed to have (in the earlier days) been made of of bundles of reeds. After the cities started to develop, sun-baked mud brick was used.

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14y ago

Made of mud, wood, or stone, and had vents in the ceilings. If you weren't poor, cooking was done over a fireplace inside, if you were poor, cooking was done outside.

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12y ago

spartan houses were made of mud wood and stone. so the spartans would have a fire place a bed and the rest i dont know

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12y ago

they would eat out or do something fun

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