A few shades of blue would be: Ultramarine, Cyan, Iris, Light Blue, Navy Blue, Regal Blue, Royal Blue, Baby Blue, Sapphire, Azure, Aqua, Prussian Blue, Powder Blue, Denim, Glaucous.
The two colors are blue and green.
You mean red, blue, and yellow. The primary colors are the only colors that you can not get by mixing other colors together. For example, you can mix red and blue to make purple, but there are no two colors that will mix to make red nor blue. Those three colors are like the bases of all colors.
none because blue is a prime color and prime colors can make colors but prime colors cant be made
Color theory can become very complex but basically there are three primary colors, Red, Blue and Yellow. These three colors make three secondary colors. Red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green and red and blue make violet.
Azure is a blue-cyan color. Azure is halfway between blue and cyan, at 210° . Azure is one of the tertiary colors on the HSV color wheel. Its complementary color is orange. RGB value is: (0, 127, 255) #007FFF Cheers!
It's called a "Azure."
The most loved color of sapphire is blue but there are plenty of other colors as well. People like the pink sapphire, yellow sapphire and so on.
Officially: Maize Yellow and Azure Blue are the school colors for the University of Michigan
The color Blue is associated with all three (Sapphire, Electric, and Azure).
The color azure is one of my favorite colors.
Azure is a blue colour, like the clear blue colour of the sky.
no colors can make blue because it is a primary color
Azure is a bright blue color. The sky was clear and azure, as was the water.
azure is another word for the color blue.