Blue and Gold make green
Cyan is a shade of blue, so green! <--- WRONG Cyan and yellow make green yes, but not because it's a shade of blue--it's not. Cyan is a secondary color, and so is yellow, thus they make the primary color green. Blue is a primary color and cannot make another primary color.
the color orange
A muddy brown color is the color you get when you mix purple and green. To make purple you can mix red and blue, and to make green you can mix yellow and blue. However, when secondary colors like purple and green are mixed together. But it generally creates a brown hue.
Purple and green (when used together but not combined) make an attractive pair together since they are almost opposites on the color wheel. Combine them and they make an awful blackish brown color.
Gold mixed with blue makes green and blue mixed with gold also makes green.
Blue and Gold make green
Gold and blue do not mix to create a new color; they simply coexist when placed together. Mixing gold and blue directly would result in a muddy or greenish color.
More like a gold with a very very little light green.
green green
brown gold
Green and gold
Green and Gold
No, mixing green and gold will not give you an orange color. Green and gold are both secondary colors made from different primary colors (blue and yellow for green, yellow and red for gold), so mixing them will not produce orange. Orange is made by mixing red and yellow.
it makes the color olive
green and gold